In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue- 519 years later we are still celebrating his accomplishments. This Monday we pay tribute to Christopher Columbus, the explorer who discovered America. Italian- Americans and Americans alike walk in parades to remember the adventurer. The parade not only consists of Italian flags, floats and a Columbus Day court, but a man portraying Columbus. Pat Pisano, 50, had the job when he was 19-years-old. Pisano talks to emme about showing his pride and enacting the famous icon.
In 1979, I was a member of the Joint Civic Committee of Italian- Americans Young Adult Division. They were looking for someone to portray Christopher Columbus in the Columbus Day Parade. I realized that this would be a great opportunity for me to express my Italian heritage. The Joint Civic Committee supplied my costume and I walked proudly at the end of the parade. After depicting Columbus, a lot of great opportunities arose. I was featured on the Ray Rayner Show and took part in Our Lady of Pompei Church Columbus Day Mass. I was extremely honored to be apart of a holiday that so many Italian- Americans hold dear to their culture.
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