Happy Greek Easter! Kalo Pascha!
For Greeks, Easter is an extremely sacred holiday. The holiday begins seven weeks before Easter on Clean Monday, the start of Great Lent, and ends on Lazarus Saturday. Following Lazarus Saturday is Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and then Easter (Pascha). We observe this time with strict fasting, prayers and services, especially during Holy Week. This year, Orthodox Easter falls on April 12th.
On Holy Thursday, we dye eggs red to represent the blood Jesus shed for us on the Cross. After our Resurrection Service, we eat traditional Easter meals that consist of roast lamb, egg lemon soup (avgolemono), sweet Easter bread (tsoureki) and Easter cookies (koulouria).
Christ is Risen (Christos Anesti) and the response Truly, He is Risen (Alithos Anesti) are traditional Greek greetings.
Greek- American Tina Diamond Prevas talked to Emme about Greek Easter traditions. Both of her parents were born in Greece. She wants to wish all Emme readers Kalo Pascha!
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