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Out For Hours Continues to Rock to the Top

by Maryann Pisano on November 15, 2014


Where did all of you grow up and go to school?

Frank–  I grew up in Riverside.  I went to Riverside Brookfield High School.  I went to ISU and I graduated in 2002.  And then I headed back this way!

Chris—I am a Riverside Brookfield High School graduate.  I went to Purdue University.

Adam—I went to RB as well for high school.  I went to Knox College for my undergraduate.

Tim—I grew up in Cicero and Riverside.  I went to Morton West for high school.

How did Out for Hours become a band?  

Frank—  One summer in college Chris asked if I would go with him on a missions trip to Oklahoma, which had been destroyed by tornadoes.  I brought my guitar, and we’d play whenever we had downtime.

Chris—We started playing on the trip together.  After college we decided to get together and started a band.  One thing led to another.

How did you get your name?

Frank—  Chris and I were hanging out in his apartment.  We were playing a new song, and Chris’ roommate liked us.  He heard this new song, and he got all excited.  He said he was going to a restaurant and was going to get us a gig.  And he got it for us!  But, we needed a name!  We choose the first words from the first song we wrote together.


Tell me about all the gigs you had over the summer.

Frank—We played Naperville Last Fling and we opened for Smashmouth and Vertical Horizon.  We also played at the House of Blues.

Tell me about your recent show at the Metro.  

Frank– We head lined at the Metro for the first time ever.  There has been a history of amazing bands that have been playing there.  I saw all kinds of bands there growing up.


What’s next for you?

Chris—We are going to write some music and relax for the holidays!

Frank—We’ve been hitting it pretty hard this year and the summer.  Some of the guys got married.  I think we have some new ideas for recording.  We have some ideas we need to hash out.  We have some big benefit gigs coming up.  We’re also  looking forward to playing at Rhodes School again this year.

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