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Staying Friends with those who have a Different Political Opinion

by Maryann Pisano on November 9, 2020

With a recent election completed, it can be harder than ever to stay friends with those who have different political opinions than us. It can be maddening and frustrating when we feel so strongly about a topic, and someone thinks completely different. So, how can we stay friendly with those who think differently from us?

According to, the best way to get along with those who think differently is to try to understand their point of view, and not to convince them of your opinion.

1. Think about things you have in common

Do you and your bestie love going to the beach, watching The Bachelor, and getting your nails done? Then, focus on that! Long, political discussions that may lead to hurt feelings or tears is not always necessary. Try to find a common ground.

2. Don’t take it personally

Yes, it’s extremely hard to not take it personally when someone voices their political opinion, especially when that topic pertains to you. It can be very tough. If the post or comment is not offensive, then try to remember that what they are saying is just their opinion. However, if the comment crosses the line or is offensive to you and your family, then maybe you should try to rethink your friendship.

3. Seek to understand

Everyone grew up differently. We have all formed our opinions based on our life experiences and traumas. If someone has a different political view than you, then it means that they have had a different life experience. For whatever reason, their experience led them to think a certain way. Try to understand WHY the person thinks the way they do.

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